Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Upload New Photo....

My Pinkly Desktop Wallpaper
My Pinkly Sony Laptop
My Two Big Big Bao Bei...

Look So Stupid... Haha

4 CRAZY People... WHAT R UR DOING...

Who Take this picture, while i'm choosing sunglasses... Amanda R u the One...

We really like to take picture....

What my dear & amanda doing...

Finally i got time to upload my photo... I think my two big bao bei (Hwee & Amanda) waiting very long liao... So sorry coz from last fri onward my mother-in-law come over to my place so no time to upload photo & update my blog... Last Sunday i went to my dear cousin wedding, WAaa never thought of his cousin can be so romantic... So Jealous can my dear be so romantic... Whaha... This few day so stress until my head pain like f**k, so worry that this friday coz having exam... Hope that i can pass my exam coz if i pass my exam my dear say he got present for me... Whaha What will he brought for me... Let Me Think...Okok Will keep update my blog & upload more photo...Mizz My Two Big Bao Bei When R We Going To Take More Photo...

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